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Emergency Financial Assistance
*If you have received assistance from us before, you are no longer eligible*
22 Until None does emergency financial assistance for veterans in need through no fault of their own. We have guidelines that must be followed for us to successfully help you.
1. What we help with: Food, utility bills, medical bills, insurance, *vehicle payments. *Gas: We can ONLY assist with gas if the veteran lives in an area where there are Quik Trip gas stations.
2. We DO NOT help with: Hotels, vehicle repair, mortgage, rent, deposits, taxes, fines, credit card bills, birthday/christmas gifts, funerals, bail. We do not ever give cash, or give to gofundmes. We cannot help with ANY bills that come from a bank. I.e. car loans or insurance from Geico, Capital One, GM, NavyFed or USAA. They do not have 3rd party/guest payment online without a log in.
3. Who can apply? The veteran must apply themselves with their own contact details, unless a social worker/organization rep is applying for them. No applications by spouses will be accepted. Unfortunately due to past attempted fraud by ex-spouse's we can no no longer allow it. Social workers/case workers who are assisting the veteran with their application must put their information in the explanation box along with the explanation of the hardship the veteran is experiencing.
4. How to apply:
Have your DD214 copy 2 or 4 that shows yours discharge status. This is mandatory, and we do not accept any other document in place of this. Again, it must show your discharge status. If you do not have a DD214 copy 2 or 4, then we cannot provide assistance.
If you have a general under honorable or other than honorable - you must provide the back story on the situation that resulted in that type of discharge in the explanation section along with the situation that is causing you to seek assistance. Your application will then go to a Board vote. If you provide no explanation, your application will be rejected with no notice.
We do not assist those with a BCD or dishonorable or uncharacterized entry level discharges.
Explanation: Provide the back story or what is causing you to seek assistance in detail. "Need help paying this bill" is not sufficient. Explain the situation that put you into hardship.
If you are a case worker assisting the veteran, add your name and email at the bottom of this section
If you have a GUH or OTH discharge, you must put the backstory on why, along with the situation causing you to need assistance.
VA rating verification letter: The letter showing the percentage of disability rating you have. You can generate one in 5 minutes on your account. You do not need a disability rating for us to help you, but if you have one we want to see it.
Bills/Proof of hardship: We can only pay on a bill if the provider offers guest payment online, meaning no log in/password. This is not negotiable. We do not send checks and we do not call. You must upload the complete bill showing the veteran's name, address and account number, not just screenshots from your phone. Please verify your bill is not only payable AS A 3RD PARTY GUEST but also has your name, your address, the account number and who the bill is from on it. We will not be contacting you if you upload a bill that cannot be paid because only you have a log in to your own account. We cannot pay on anything from a bank. WE DO NOT ACCEPT SCREENSHOTS FROM APPS.
You may upload up to 4 bills
*Failure to upload the correct documents will result in rejection of application without notice
*Assistance can take up to 2 weeks depending on workload because we are 100% volunteer. If we have to call or ask for more information this will take longer.
Make sure there is an actual complete bill you are uploading, that your DD214 is the correct version before applying.
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