Clean Your House by John Fannin (Git Moar Betterer)
That’s it. That’s the message for today. So I can just stop right here, right? Well as our favorite video about the end of the world...
Clean Your House by John Fannin (Git Moar Betterer)
Military Moms and Post-Partum Depression by Jessica Roza
A FAILED STATE By P.T. Lynch (U.S. Army, U.S.M.C.)
Life Doesn’t Get the Final Word by By P.T. Lynch (U.S. Army & U.S.M.C.)
Losing a child when you're enlisted by Michelle Moskiewicz USMC veteran
My husband needed help by anonymous spouse
My experience with veteran suicide was before I was in the Army by Justin L.
The Flag Story ... by SSGT David Biehl (11/18/83 - 11/10/11)
Today... by Marco Cuevas (USN 2001-2015 (OEF 2009-2010)
Closure by Lester Mollers (USMC 1/7)
Get the Help by Anonymous Grunt